Migena Dervishi, M.D.
External Communications Coordinator - info@albamedsociety.org

Migena Dervishi, M.D., born and raised in Kukes, Albania. She received her medical degree from the University of Prishtina School of Medicine in 2013. Later that year, Dr. Dervishi moved to the US to join her husband and settled in Nashville-TN.
On 2018, Dr. Dervishi became ECFMG certified and completed all the US medical licensing exams. Dr. Dervishi has held various job positions in healthcare, such as Research Coordinator at Vanderbilt University. On July 2021, she started a new role as PGY1- Research Fellow at the Psychiatry Department at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.
Dr. Dervishi is a mother of a young boy and looking forward to building a new life in New York City.
Dr. Dervishi's goal is to finish her residency in the US, especially focus on practicing in rural areas and being an advocate for the minorities and underserved population.
As part of this position with AAMS, Dr. Dervishi is committed to provide the public with answers pertaining to what AAMS offers to the community of professionals and patients in the US and back home.